Int.workspaces Year End Customer Survey


Thank you for being our valuable customer!

We are reaching out with a quick survey to share your experiences with int.workspaces.

1) How likely are you to recommend int.workspaces to others?

2) How satisfied are you with the speed Customer Service and Sales Team answer your questions and resolve your issues?

3) How would you rate our business on sending orders in full and on time?

4) Which of these categories can we improve on to serve you better?

5) Which of these categories have you purchased from us?

6) Do you use our e-commerce platform? If not, please go to question 9.

7) If yes, how would you rate your overall online shopping experience?

8) What could we improve about e-commerce site that would improve your experience?

9) How did you hear about us?

10) What do you value most about int.workspaces?

Do you have any other comments that you'd like to make?

Thank you for your time. We would like to send you a coffee voucher for participating in our survey.

Please leave your contact details below.

If you wish to be anonymous, please leave the contact details blank and click the Submit button.

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